About Us

Welcome to BoxingNews.co, your leading destination for comprehensive boxing coverage since 2020. Our website stands as a tribute to the art of boxing, consistently at the forefront in offering the latest news, insightful results, in-depth analysis, and engaging features.

Our Origins

Initially launched in 2003 as a simple blog, our platform was fueled by the passion and knowledge of a small team of boxing writers and analysts. By 2010, we evolved, relaunching as a new and improved site. Our mission has been clear and ambitious from the start: to provide a platform for boxing fans that keeps them updated with the latest events and fights, while also exploring boxing’s rich history and intricate details.

Our Evolution

Through the years, our growth has been remarkable, driven by the unwavering commitment of our team and the strong support from our readers. Presently, our team comprises a diverse group of experienced writers, each contributing their unique insights and expertise. More than mere journalists, they’re avid fans themselves, sharing the same passion and dedication as our audience.

Reliable and Objective Reporting

Day after day, BoxingNews.co is recognized as the most reliable source for prompt, precise, and impartial boxing news. We value journalistic integrity and objectivity, commitments that have secured the trust and loyalty of boxing fans around the world.

Worldwide Contributors and Ringside Insights

Our true strength lies in our extensive network of global contributors. From various corners of the world, our writers and correspondents provide thorough coverage of boxing events. Often positioned ringside, our team delivers live, comprehensive coverage and secures exclusive interviews with top boxing figures, bringing our readers closer to the heart of the sport.

Community Engagement

Our expansion is not just numerical; we take pride in the strong community we’ve built. Our platform is a hub for global boxing fans, featuring vibrant discussions in our comment sections and forums, where enthusiasts engage, debate, and express their love for boxing.

Our Dedication

We’re committed to delivering high-quality journalism, maintaining integrity, and ensuring accuracy. Covering critical fights, introducing rising stars, and offering profound analyses, our focus is on keeping you informed and entertained.

Looking Ahead

As we continue our journey, we’re consistently seeking to innovate and enhance your experience. From engaging interactive content to podcasts and videos, we’re always on the lookout for new ways to enrich our coverage.

Join Our Community

We welcome all boxing fans, whether you’ve followed the sport for years or are just starting. Join us for the latest news, expert commentary, and a shared passion for boxing.

Thank you for being an integral part of our journey. Here’s to continuing our tradition of exceptional boxing coverage! For further information, feel free to contact us at admin@boxingnews.co.